Thursday 2 January 2014

To tip or not to tip!

Tipping is not the Australian way but to the majority of the world, tipping is an essential addition to the wage. In the good old US of A the average wait staff earn $7.50 per hour. It is expected that the customer will supplement this wage with a 10% tip. The business owners claim they will go out of business if they are forced to pay a higher wage. Our Caynon tour mates, Rhonda and Greg told us to double the tax on the bill to work out a suitable tip.
In less developed countries, jobs are invented to generate tips. For example: toilet attendants will charge for the use of the amenties and give you one or two pieces of precious loo paper then continue to play with their mobiles or preen themselves in the mirror. Meanwhile these toilets are often in health risk condition. You would think that a toilet attendants duties would include actually cleaning the toilet!
It is said that tipping is voluntary but if you decide not to conform many will get nasty and demand payment.

Tipping guide lines!
Restaurants: 10% of food/drink bill is expected or double the tax.
Tour guides: $1 to 3 USD per person per day.
If doing a hiking or adventure tour the internet provides guidelines for tipping porters, drivers, cooks etc.

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