Friday 10 January 2014

Bridge over troubled water - Iguazu Falls (Argentina & Brazil)

It is the sheer physicality of Iguazu Falls that grabs our attention; water vapour floats through the air turning everything it touches into a slickness of early excitement and the Iguazu River screams with the realisation that across its 2.7km girth it will be expelled over 275 drops with an average fall of 85m to the rainforset canyon below.

An oxymoron of tranquility and power seizes us as we walk upon bridges and then platforms that provide a panoramic back drop to mother nature's beauty. These same bridges suspend us above massive sink holes as kilometers of water are sucked downward, and again they provide us with a soaking as they place us near the base of the falls.  Finally, there is no greater sensation than being underneath a fall and feeling the fury of the water upon your skin and this is exactly what we experienced as we doned our orange life jacket and jumped upon our awaiting jet boat.  We thundered across rapids to be placed in the face of the falls; water exfoliated and drenched, we raised our hands high above our heads and revelled in nature's roller coaster of excitement. 

Such is their beauty, that Iguazu Falls was proclaimed one of the 7 new wonders pf the Natural World in 2011.

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