Thursday 2 January 2014

Perito Moreno Glacier - Argentina

At first you hear the noise, a cracking that bellows through the glacier,  the ripping as the ice moves, the rupture of the sheer ice face exploding from the glacier  and plummeting 90m to the water below. Colliding with such force that a minature tsunami is formed.

The Perito Moreno Glacier moves stealthly ,we are transfixed by its enormity and its sheer vastness.   The 250km ice formation draws you into its labyrinth of aquamarine and its 90m facade towers ragged and twisted above the lake. Below the 510m deep monster groans and devours the lake at a rate of 2m per day.

Time slows as we witness three massive ice explosions.  Ohh's and Ahh's escape as if we are watching a pyrotechnics display. As we gaze our eyes dart to each others and we think of the Glacier walk that awaits later that day.

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