Monday 13 January 2014

Cristo Redentor!

He stands arms out stretched over looking the masses.  His omnipresence provides solace to those huddled in the many Favelas and to the pilgrims who flock to stand at his feet.  For those with no religious nuance, Cristo Redentor caretakes over Rio from above. Standing 30m tall and completed in 1931 by artisans headed by French sculptor Paul Landowsky, Christ the Redeemer was proclaimed a new wonder of the world in 2007.

Like most art, a true appreciation occurs when one views the work from a distance. Cristo Redentor is no exception to this.  He domimates from his mountain top, his shape and form is visible everywhere and a mystical presence exists; however, when you get up close and personal this all vanishes, you are left with a tad disappointed and in fact more time is spent looking out at the views than at the big guy himself.

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