Saturday 4 January 2014

Responsible Travel Tips !

Learn as much as possible about the Countries you are visiting ~ the religion, culture, local rules and values.

Learn some of the language and use it. Simple pleasantries will help break the ice and may cause a laugh or three.
Obliviously our Spanish is still in the rudimental stage. Hola, adios, grasias, bano, dos cerveza por favor but we were under the impression that there is an  international understanding of miming and pointing. At an ice ream parlour in Santiago, we pointed to the photo promotion for the vanilla ice cream in a cone. " dos por favor" and pointed to ourselves for good measure. After paying we were presented with tres chocolate icecreams. Huh?

Learn what's appropriate behavior and body language.
Whilst staying with our homestay in Lago Titicata , our little homestay boy broke wind. He looked up at us, held his nose and pointed to his brother. Proof of universal language. Hilarious!

Support local businesses,  hotels and restaurants. Brad's favorite ~ Eat local foods and drink local beers.

Dress modestly at religious sites.

If bargaining for an item,  bear in mind that a small amount could be extremely important to the seller. General rule, if you are happy with the price, no need to beat price down just for fun of it.

Be tolerant,  people have different time concepts and service standards in different countries. This doesn't however excuse dirty toilets!

If you are not suppose to flush paper down the toilet , Don't do it !

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