Thursday 2 January 2014

A festive Isolation - Patagonia (2)

A carpet of snow greeted us as we trekked towards glacier Francesco and provided us with our first ever White Christmas.  It was a bittersweet moment as the tyranny of distance made it impossible for us to contact Lachlan and Elly to share both their Christmas experience  and ours.   We passed the time playing Uno, nasty santa; we sang carols to the masses, gulped down red wine from tin cups, queued and berated those who queued jumped, guides included, impromptu sing-a-longs tumbled from voices as the 'Ballad to Lea' and the 'Ode to Poo Paper' (see " be on your guard 13") reverberated around the campsite.  The drunken tunes of AC/DC filtered through the air and stories of survival shared and a good night was wished to all as we clamoured into our tents with the sun still blazing in the night sky.

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