Thursday 21 November 2013

The Furries, Shoe Shine and Mexican Sombreros

We wonder the streets of San Crisobal breathing in the atmosphere.  Furries in their black alpaca skirts hawk their wares and street urchins with shoe shine hands look constantly downwards at our feet.  We see the Vegas Madonna taking pride above the altar framed with Neon Lights whilst merchants sell chips, and beer to accompany the euchrist and a vengeful God glares downward.  Our feet echo on the cobbled streets as we explore alleyways of  brightly painted houses and stores that  provide  a kaleidoscope of colour.

Cakes galore are devoured whilst frozen margaritas and local beers are sampled from the many bars.  Lookouts are conquered and we are rewarded with panoramic views.  Conversations are shared and laughter booms loud; music floats along the airways and traveling companions share stories and transform into best drinking buddies which in turn makes for hilarious times and thumping headaches the next morning!

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