Friday 22 November 2013

A Ring of Fire - Guatemala

Our luggage is thrown Chicken Bus style onto our new home as we continue our journey into Guatemala.   Straight away we experience the crash of people, soaring mountains, plunging waterfalls and ominous volcanoes.   We baptise our new bus with shots of tequila as we travel to the township of Panijachel.  Here volcanoes stand guard, clouds stretch out their fingers providing an illusion that dormant giants are stirring and the shores of Lago de Atitlan are encircled by a potential ring of fire.  The islands of San Pablo and San Juan rise from its depths and fisherman search for tomorrows haul.

We have arrived at San Juan on the celebration of their feast day. Beautiful murals adorn walls and decorative tut-tuts zip through tbe streets and submerged houses pay homage to effective town planning.   Women co-operatives demonstrate the art of weaving and artisans brightly paint the life of the island.  Local wares and foodstuffs pop up on every corner and the sound of local chatter and music fills the streets.

We wander the streets enjoying the atmosphere and the experience that travel provides.

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