Friday 8 November 2013

Border Protection Cancun Style

We are greeted at Cancun and our immigration declaration card is taken from us.  We stand in front of a button.  Green; we're on our way.  Red; bags scanned and searched, interrogation,  pat down and even, 'please cough now sir.'

With music resembling" Who Want to be a Millionaire" and a spot light illuminating the button we clasp our hands together and push.

Red! Off we're whisked.  First our bags are zapped, then carried over to a sterile stainless steel bench, all contents scatterd.  Opps! Beef Jerky in a vacuumed sealed pack is found.  Stern looks, animated discussions, re-checking of our entry card.  Questions barked,  beef jerk confiscated and eaten by the officers at lunch.  A finger is pointed to the exit and we are safely on our way.

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