Wednesday 6 November 2013

Rimming Grand Canyon Style

We sit on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, isolated.  The vastness stretches outward; the walls textured, layered with hundreds of million of years of history and our presence represents a mere micro second of relevance.   Yet as we walk the 12 kms from the Trail Head to Hermits Rest, we watch the changing light mould new images, the vegatation change and a male buck and his harem of elks graze near the Canyon rim.  We stand on outcrops hoping to view the mighty Condor gliding on the currents of the wind, but alas, Canyon Ravens present in numerous formations instead.

We pose like tourists,  camera snapping trying to capture that all important selfie, a memory, a picture in time. They say a picture paints a thousand words but seeing it makes you realise that no photo can do the Canyon justice.

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