Wednesday 6 November 2013

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to Havasu Falls we go (2) Lea's Challenge!

To reach the base of Mooney Falls we were required to scale down the side of the Canyon.  Lea having a little bit of a height phobia struggled with this.

The start of this testing climb was to scramble througha couple of tube like caves to get to the descent of a slippery clay surface with foot and hand holes loosely dug out.  A chain ran along each side for hand grips and random iron pegs protruded outwards at random intervals.   Slowly, slowly, deep breaths.  Don't look down.  One foot after another.  Adrenaline flowing, heart pumping as we made the way down to the worn wooden ladder and then down to the base of the waterfall.  Hi 5's for a job well down.  Challenge met.  The only problem was,  the only way out was to ascend the way we came.

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