Friday 28 April 2017

The St James Camino workout!

The St James Camino workout is a must for those people wishing to lose between 8-15 kgs in 6 weeks.  Forget about the Michelle Bridges 12 week challenge; 'the Camino' is a low impact exercise plan combined with a diet regime that includes unlimited vino tinto, three course meals and bread a plenty.  All you require is a sturdy pair of boots, a resistance pack (10%) of your body weight plus an interest in walking, outdoors and meeting  people. The program does include hill climbs and a built in foot massage as your feet are therapeutically caressed by the numerous rocks along the path.   Great for a fitbit addiction, as you are guaranteed over 50,000 steps per day (up to 20-25 clicks per day for 6 weeks).

This work out is certified by podiatrists, massuers and physiotherapists world-wide.

The package includes accommodation and meals for $50 au per day.
(Airfares not included)

 Come on, you  know you want to!  The St James Camino is the way!


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