Monday 3 April 2017

A pilgrim's life!


A pilgrim's life is not an easy one! Even before reaching the starting line at Saint Jean Pied de Port, the tests begin.

Unlike Dr Who in his tardis, it has taken us 30 hours to teleport from Cairns to Paris including a pitstop in Hong Kong on the way. Battle fatigue is not an adequate description of how we are feeling at present.

We arrived in Heathrow, London in time for a beautiful sunrise. Feeling sleepy, we anticipated a relaxing couple of hours waiting for our flight to Paris.  The Pilgrim God , however had other ideas. After a trip to the bathroom, Lea realised that she came out without the document wallet containing passports, tickets and money. She retraced her steps within a minute, only to find the wallet gone. 

With sinking hearts, we began to think that maybe our journey would be over before it really began....... Hallelujah, faith restored in mankind. Patron Saint of travellers came good. Documents were handed into security!

After a runway journey longer than the flight, we have arrived in Paris. Only 4 hour transit until we board the train to Bayonne! All going well we should arrive about 11pm making the trip over a grand total of 46 hours!

                 Good morning Heathrow!
Lights of London!

Charles De Gaulle Railway!

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