Saturday 22 April 2017

Classification of Peregrinos!

Everyone likes a good classification, whether it's the Australian  iconic bogan, the East Ender gezza, the townie or westie.  The same  can be said for the camino.

The official Greenie classifications of peregrino guide.

A) The Cycle Pilgrim.  They can be identified by their  'WHAM', glow in the dark  lycra, which emphasises every bulge or lack of.  They have a superiority complex; very few 'buen caminos' are thrown your way, rather a passionate screech of 'derecho' or 'izquierda' is bellowed in your direction or the more aggressive 'fuetade la fucking manera.'  The latter normally in a single lane path with a 20 metre drop on each side and a belief that somehow you will get out the way and survive.

B) Day Pilgrims.  Those pilgrims on day excursions who only walk the most scenic or iconic parts the way. They  are identified by their designer trainers and sportwear, slim camel pack and absence of backbreaking backpack. They talk on their phones or believe that everyone needs to listen to their inspirational music.  They waltz pass on a 15 degree climb, chirping with their fellow day trippers as we grunt and moan.  They smile as they pass us as their Gucci sweat is absorbed by their state of the art trekking gear.

C) The Part Time Pilgrim.  These hearty souls are predominately European in nature who because of their proximity to 'the way' decide to spend a week here and there over the course of the years completing their pilgrimage. They are up for a craic and are the classic definition of the 5 minute mate.  You will catch up with them on a number of occasions and then suddenly, poof, they are gone.  However; you continue to share stories with fellow pilgrims about them.  Their goal is to finish the camino in 5 years? yours' 35 days.

D) The Pilgrim.   A tight knit community identified by the camino shuffle and exploding blisters.  We share stories of our thoughts as we walk and of other pilgrims we have meet.  Each of us have our own reason for our journey, some share, other keep it private.  They have a fuggy aroma to them and are always seen trekking in the same clothes since day one.  This is our crew.

E) Hard-core Pilgrim.  Even the normal pilgrim stop mid-stride when they come across these rare beasts.  For instance, ' the God Hates Divorce' pilgrim blazed across his attire - its certainly not the inclusive God we know.  The ' Mountain Girl' who is running the camino, when asked why, she replies, 'because l can.'  'Mary and Joseph' re-enactment, with donkey and two big dogs instead of sheep and finally, 'Dog Pilgrim', pilgrims who believe taking their dog on a 800 plus trek will provide them with enlightenment.

F) Speed-freak Pilgrim. Blink and they are gone.   These pilgrims can be heard in loud voice, quoting how many kilometres they have done and will bend your ear with stats & maps that show their quest to complete the camino in 22 days at and average of 40kms a day.  When asked what they have experienced or did they stop and look at this; they look at you are if you are retarded and point to their fit bit and their maps. You remind them that it's 'smiles rather than miles', they scoff and quickly move away searching for a similar speed-freak on the verge of stress fractures or delirium.

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