Thursday 13 April 2017

Albergue Life.

Sleeping in a restored monastery sounded like a good idea, sharing the same idea with 200 other pilgrims - where the United Nations of flatulence join in unison and nationalities snore in their own dialect - not a great idea. Welcome to the world of a peregrino (pilgrim).

Within the albergue your eye patch and ear plugs become your new lover, where your pillow case and sleeping bag become a form of barrier nursing and your head torch allows you to Houdini like scamper from the top bunk without injury or persecution from other pilgrims you may have woken.

Each Albergue  has its own unique qualities, from its unisex showers, all you can drink vino, cupboard size rooms that people smugglers would be proud of and drunken patrons who lay prostrate in corridors.

The camino is more than physical exertion; it is about building resilence, to define a strength of character. In fact, the Camino has tested us physically and emotionally, it has been everything we expected and so much more.

' lf it doesn't challenge you it won't change you.'

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