Thursday 9 July 2015

On the road again!

A 16 hour flight (longest, long haul flight in the world), a bottle of Jameson under Brad's belt and regular visits to the toilet, to say ooroo to James set the scene for our 1000 mls road trip through the North of Texas.

Pickups, RV's and interstate truckers surge pass our compact Ford focus (road runner) as meerkat Brad strangled the steering wheel in a vice like grasp. The GPS pinged, the wireless crackled with cowboy moans about lost love , fiddles play and a Pastor preaches about the 'keys to heaven' as we sojourned down HWY 287.

Ghost towns beckoned. Names such as Turkey, Quitaque and Silverton, conjure up Bate's Motel like images. Signposted water towers, desolate main streets, RV trailer parks, lone windmills, oil pumps abandoned in fields and bizarre signs decorate the landscape.  However, the reality is always greater than fiction; as we stopped at these towns, whether for fuel,  a photo opportunity or to grab a coffee, we were greeted with much excitement, well wishes and stories that we felt like long lost kin.  Hospitality is certainly big in Texas!

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