Friday 10 July 2015

Caprock Canyon!

Our first visit to Caprock Canyon was that of an observer.  We witnessed lightening crashing over the prairie and the cacophony of thunder rolling through the canyon.  The light refracted and splintered sending out shards of light to caress the canyon walls. Oche reds careen into a carpet of wildflowers that erupt from the soil.  Bison roam and make their presence felt, prairie dogs stand to attention and a scattering of roadrunners scamper by in a blur.
Our second visit sees us as participants. We hike the canyon floor in isolation with only nature as our companion. The azure sky frames the canyon, whilst down on the trail, prickly pear cactus, wild sunflowers, mexican hats and canyon thistles mark our progress towards Fern Cave, a 8 ml return hike that takes in the Upper Canyon and Canyon Loop trail.  In temperatures that hit 39C/103F, we walk through a scene taken straight out of a Wild West movie; dung beetles feast, lizards dance away from our footsteps and the Hoodoo geologist formation resembling a couple in a dance like pose monitors our movements from above.
The Caprock Canyon, with its cliffs and ravines provided us with a close up and personal look at geology in action.

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