Tuesday 18 December 2018

In the world kitchen! Irsael!

Jesus fed the masses with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Or so the story goes. The carb element of this miracle has certainly lasted the centuries.

Most traditional Israeli dishes incorporate bread of some description.  Pita,  kubaneh, challah and laffa are some are the varieties on offer. A lunch time favourite is either: falafel, made from fava beans and chickpeas and fried into delicious ball shapes. These are served with trimmings of hummis, pickled turnips and salad in a pita bread pocket. Or shawarma a middle Eastern orignal version of the doner kabab.

Tahini is the core to many traditional meals in Israel. It can be used as a dressing, sauce or a basis for sweets. Very popular just as a dip with freshly made, hot pita bread. Yummo!

In Nazareth, we went to an Arabric restaurant called Teshreen. Here we ordered from their wood stove menu: haloumi with tomatoes, mushrooms stuffed with garlic, cheese and lemon sauce and whole roasted aubergine with cheese and  pesto. Devine!

Halva and baklava, not traditionally Israeli but definitely  a Middle Eastern favourite.

Buna saghir!     

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