Monday 17 December 2018

Holy land 2

The areas known as Israel and the Palestian terrorities have been occupied, conquered and disputed since before the time of Christ. People world wide have an understanding of the significance of the area for religious groups but they have little empathy for the conflicts that occurred and continue to impact on the daily life of individuals. There is silence over the Armenian Genocide that occurred from 1915-17, little is discussed about the civil war that erupted after the United Kingdom abandoned the terrority in 1948 or the 6 day war between Israel and the Arab nations in 1967.  There were closed eyes and covered ears as the West Bank Barrier, aka, the wall of apartheid, racial segregation wall erupted on stolen land in the 2000's to reduce the risk of terrorism, to today, where even our own country, who wishes to be the lap dog of Trump and his 'make America Great' flagellation seeks to recognise Jerusalem as the capital.

We witnessed the disgust of this decision first hand when we were in the lobby of our hotel; we were asked by an elderly woman where we came from? Our reply was Australia.  She responded by spitting at our feet and telling us that she does not like Australians due to their contemplation of Jerusalem as the new capital of Israel. She then turned and casually walked away.  The butterfly effect was in full swing.

With so much conflict and sadness, there also exists a richness in culture and history.  From the religious icons of the Western Wall, the Dome of  the Rock, Mt of Olives, the Holy Sepulchre, the Church of the Nativity, to the fingers of God caressing the Sea of Galilee, to the Rock where Jesus told Peter to build his Church, all merge into a tapestry of man's interpretation of a personal spiritual journey.

Away from the tensions and religious paraphernalia, lsrael and the Palestine terrorities are awash in natural wonder.  From the Dead Sea, whose level of salinity is so high that buoyancy becomes natural and life guards do not resuscitate but rather provide eye wash to the many tourists and where instagram moments are made as mud smeared bodies pose on the shore-line.  To luna landscapes that carpet vast sections of the nation which unleashes ancient artifacts and ruins at will.  Such as: the Masada Fortress,  Hisham's Palace in Jericho, to the Hospitaller's fortress with its knight's hall and Templar tunnel in the Old City of Akko.

Israel and the Palestine terrorities are a kaleidoscope of religion, history, culture and tension.  It is truely a melting pot of diversity.

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