Tuesday 11 December 2018

In the Holy Land!

After a long but uneventful 35 hours in transit, we finally made it to Jerusalem!

The taxi journey; however, took us on an impromptu tour of a residential Jewish quarter, making wrong turns and a back up into a street pole. Getting a tad worried, we convince the aggreived driver to ring the hotel and ask directions. After translating between the hotel owner and the taxi driver we finally reached our destination 'Hotel Azzarah'. This hotel built in 1900 and a stones throw away from the Old City is to be our home for the next four nights.

Four quarters make a whole. The old city, surrounded by the 'Jerusalem Wall' is divided up into the Christian, Muslim, Armenian  and Jewish.

The city innards takes you on a labyrinth trail; following the many pathways throughout the remnants of this ancient world can bring you to an abrupt stop with heavily armed guards encouraging you to retreat to another option or ushering through security xrays to allow entrance to the next pokemon level. No photographic evidence exsists of these great men and women of enforcement as we desire to live and tell tales. It does bring up the debate of safety though, at one check point, there was two photos in memorial of guards who gave their lives in the name of duty. This has a sobering effect and the reality heightens the seriousness of our position. No larkin antics for Brad here!

Our first day in the Holy Land was spent meandering, soaking up the culture and atmosphere of a world so different to our own!


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