Thursday 18 September 2014

Weird international laws!

Practices and activities that are perfectly normal in one country might be verboten in another. Next time you head off overseas be careful not to break these archaic laws.

Don’t go commando!
In Thailand, it’s illegal to leave one’s domicile if not wearing underwear. Commando is a no-go! A Western mind immediately wonders, “How would the police know?” Visible panty lines are preferable to Thai jail.

Save space for the aliens!
Brazil has had its share of bizarre laws. There is a municipal law on the books in the state of Mato Grosso that sets aside land in the town of Barra do Garças for an alien airport.

Leave your medication at home!
Visitors to Japan may not bring Actifed, Sudafed, Vicks, or asthma inhalers into the country. Check your toiletries bag! Nothing with pseudoephedrine or codeine shall pass.

Get your pet a passport!
In the EU, circus animals need passports to travel between member states. Circus mice can travel under a collective passport. It’s up to the veterinarian in the member state of departure to verify that all animals’ passports are up-to-date.

Put a nappy on your donkey!
In Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a peculiar piece of legislation requires that horses and burros wear nappies.

Don’t chew gum in Singapore!
Pretty much everyone knows about the chewing gum ban in Singapore. It’s illegal to import it, sell it, or bring it into the country for personal use. 

Leave your suit of armour at home!
It is illegal to wear a suit of armour into the Houses of Parliament in England. 

Don’t eat mince pies at Christmas!
In England, it is also illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas. This went on the books in the Oliver Cromwell era, is apparently broken en masse by British citizenry every holiday season.

While back in Australia, we still have to be careful ...
Leave the pink hot pants at home
Women may not wear pink hot pants any time after noon on a Sunday in Victoria. 

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