Sunday 14 September 2014

Scottish Independence!

"This is the truth I tell you: of all things freedom's most fine. Never submit to live, my son, in the bonds of slavery entwined." William Wallace – His Uncle's proverb, from Bower's Scotichroniconc.1440s

 Over the centuries there have been many battles for Scottish freedom.  

1st Century AD - First written records of Scottish history when Romans invade and seize much of the island of Britain, with Emperor Hadrian building Hadrian's Wall from coast to coast. North of the wall is Caledonia and partly occupied by the Picti.
3rd Century - After many battles, the Romans all but depart the land that came to be known later as Scotland.
5th Century - Gaels or Scoti originating from Northern Ireland raid and settle north of the River Clyde.
8th Century - All Scotland's kingdoms overthrown to some extent by Vikings, forcing the Picti, Scoti and other tribes to unite in the 9th Century to form the Kingdom of Scotland.
12th Century - Anglo-Norman barons including the Bruce family lay claim to much of mainland Scotland.
1296-1328 - First War of Independence. Scots led by William Wallace try to throw off English influence after King Edward I of England invades Scotland in 1296. The next year Robert the Bruce leads a revolt and after years of war Scotland defeats the English at Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
1328 - Scotland's independence is recognised.
1332-1357 - Second War of Independence.
1603 - Union of the Crowns. Accession of James VI, King of Scots, to the thrones of England and Ireland and unification for some purposes of the three realms under a single monarch.
1715 - The first Jacobite uprising. British forces crush an attempt by Scottish supporters of the exiled House of Stuart to regain the throne.
1745-46 - The second Jacobite uprising aimed at putting "Bonnie Prince Charlie" Stuart on the British throne ends in defeat at the battle of Culloden.
1934 - Scottish National Party (SNP) is founded.
1945 - SNP gains first seat in parliament at Westminster.
1979 - A referendum on Scottish devolution is held but does not achieve the necessary 40 percent of the electorate.
1997 - Referendum shows overwhelming support for a separate Scottish Parliament with tax-raising powers.
2004 - Royal opening of new Scottish Parliament at Holyrood.
Oct 2012 - Edinburgh Agreement is signed paving the way for a referendum on Scottish independence in 2014.
Nov 2013 - Scottish government publishes "Scotland's Future", making the case for independence.
Finally another bid for Scottish independence will take place on Sept 18, 2014.
Go n-eiri an bothar leat!

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