Sunday 28 September 2014

Grog blog! 7 myths

Beer myths busted!

1. Beer is a man's drink!

Whoa, sexist! Women were the first brewers, and back in Jane Austen's day it was part of a woman's delegated chores. Women account for half of the consumer market.

2. Beer is fattening!

The average glass of beer has no fat and is naturally low in carbs and calories. Over indulgence must therefore must produce the beer belly?

3. Beer makes you bloat!

It is the bubbles from the carbonation that bloat your stomach. So pour your beer into a glass and the air bubbles will escape while you drink.

4. It is full of preservatives!

Most quality beers have no preservatives. Check the ingredients on the label.

5. Colder the better!

A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer and the best cold beer is Victoria Bitter! Myth busted.
Ice cold temperatures can ruin the flavour of the beer. Best to drink lager at 6-9c and ales at 7-11c. Stouts are best when served at 13c

6. Dark beer is stronger!

Malt determines the color only.

7. If you have tried one you have tried them all!

There are over 100 styles of beer. All are unique in flavour.

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