Monday 30 September 2019

Get the Rhythm

Get the rhythm, get the rhythm, there you go, get the rhythm.  It is the rhythm that drives you on the Camino!

It is the rhythm of how to pack your bag in the pitch dark, in a shared Albergue, where 20 other souls are sleeping.  It is knowing your clothes by the sense of touch - it is the rhythm, get the rhythm, there you go!

It is the rhythm as your feet and hiking poles tap out the sequence that your body falls into pace with. It is the rhythm that drives you forward up to the peak of O'Cebreiro one foot after the other, the gasping of breath and the cascade of sweat. It is the swagger of the walk as the mist engulfs you; it is the rhythm, get the rhythm, there you go!

It is the rhythm of cutting the wax,  the swivel  of the cork- screw, the swill of the glass as the wine flows and the chorus of clinking. Stories are embellished and laughter roars.  That's it, get the rhythm, there you go! Get the rhythm.

It's the sense of community; Buen Camino, the 5 minute friendships that seem to last a life time. Raising your glass to salud the glory of the day; it is knowing that this is a life stripped bare- walk, eat sleep, repeat.  Get the rhythm, there you go, get the Camino rhythm!

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