Saturday 21 September 2019

Call of the wilds!

In 2017, we set off on an adventure! To step away from the baggage of society and live the simple life. The Way of Saint James, The Camino de Santiago or Pilgrimage of Compostela! With backpacks  containing the barest essentials, we joined the masses, following the ancient path to the resting place of St James.

 Trekking the undulating hills through the rustic villages and towns,  using the simple yellow arrow or shell to guide the way;  A pilgrim's life brings forth a roller coaster of emotions; the anticipation, exhilaration and liberation but also brings; fatigue, aches and pains brought on by the strenuous nature of the challenge.

The first part of this adventure is the physical, the body needs to adjust to the new demands placed upon it, you may develop blisters, sore feet and aches where you never thought possible. ibuprofen and compeed become your new best friends. Just when you start to get the pain under control, you move on to the mental game. By this stage you have walked many kilometres and have many more ahead, just keep one foot in front of the other. The epiphany or spiritual stage kicks in when you realise just what you are achieving and how far you have come. Deliverance!

At dinner on our last night in Santiago, the question went around the table about walking the Camino again? At the time, we felt that we had 'been there done that' and we had other fish to fry.  Never say never!

 We yearn for the simplicity of  'The Way' and are on our way back there now!


How ever you choose to accomplish your Camino, remember, it is just that! Your Camino is your way!

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