Monday 7 January 2019

Wanderings through Morocco 1

White walls awash with blue and green, as we traversed the medinas. Mules laiden with toil, share their journey with bright-eyed children returning from school. Social gatherings emerge from the community Hammams and business transactions occur in the alleyways of light.

We zig-zag through alleyways designed by a maze master, pass the oldest university in the world and numerous Mosques, where the call to prayer beckons.  Nougat and almond cookies tempt our taste buds as we observe mosaic jigsaws being assembled, artisians of silver, bronze and textiles at work. With sprigs of mint under our nose and watery eyes, we observed the tannery  come to a pungent life.  Here torsos immersed in vats of colour and urine, churn the hide into leather.  Whispered voices offered Moroccan chocolate (hashish)  as we strolled through souqs and walled cities. Transfixed by the circus that coralled in front of us, we sat in the main square of cities, sipped mint tea and scrunitized as snake chamers, monkey and ostrich handlers tout their business.

The cities of Casablanca, Rabat, Moulay Idriss, Volubilis, Fez, Chefchaouen and Marrakech cough up postcard opportunities ad nauseam.  Hassan ll Mosque stands like a lighthouse framed by the mighty Alantic ocean, whilst Hassan ll tower and Mausoleum stand in a courtyard where Romam columns of varying sizes erupt from the ground and  guards stand to attention in full parade uniform as we view the crypt of King Hassan ll. Mighty walls shroud us in protection and the archaelogical site of Volubilis shows us how far the tentacles of the Roman Empire stretched and the influence they had on the shaping of modern civilisations.

As we explore the magic of Morocco, the reason we travel becomes obvious. A buzz resonates through us, repugnant smells attack and a cacophony of alien sounds surround us. We accept that we will get lost, things will take us out of our comfort zone and events occur that of which we have no control. Experience makes memories. Memories make for a life fulfilled!

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