Sunday 6 January 2019

A postcard from Casablanca!

As time goes by, we find our senses engulfed with a cacophony of horns, call to prayer and haggling.  Our wanderings take us through the medina, past Mosques, pray mats, fruit stalls and Rick's Cafe, here we catch a glimpse of life in the 'white house' - Casablanca.

A extremely pushy  taxi driver did not judge his prey well, when he met with the alpha female of our duo. Haggling led to doors being opened in a moving taxi and a hike in fares!  However, it also led us to the awe-inspiring 'Mosque Hassan ll'.  This modern wonder stands on its own peninsula from land reclaimed from the mighty Atlantic.  10,000 craftmen blended traditional Moorish architecture with 20th Century innovation to construct this masterpiece over seven years as a tribute to the King of Morocco.

As our first taste of Moroccan life, we tip our hat to you and utter those immortal lines - 'Here's looking at you kid.'

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