Friday 12 June 2015

In defence of Frankston!

Hello! Our names are Brad & Lea and we grew up in Frankston. Franga, Franghanistan, Funkytown or whatever you wish to call; it was not always as infamous as it is now.

This picturesque, seaside town has a lot to offer aside from moccasins and trackie dacks. Frankston was named after pioneer Frank Liadet, who built the first brick house in 1855. (house still stands in the Ballam Park estate). Along with the beautiful coast line, Franga does offer some culture with the Arts Centre, McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery and Murdoch's Cruden farm.

 Looking back on our childhood, we can find lots of fabulous memories.

 - Festival of lights. Every Christmas the norfolk pine tree outside the civic centre is adorned with over 4000 globes. Treasured memories of Christmas eve visits to lie under the tree to admire the spectacle.

- Best legs in town; the local chicken take away shop. Herbs and spices beat Colonel Sanders hands down!

-As we got older Bay City Disco, Frankston Pier, Bayside cinemas and at the footy were the in places to be.

 - Coming of age, saw us checking out the famous 3 pubs on the corner or having Chinese banquets at Jade Gardens on Nepean Hwy. Souvenired a great selection of chop sticks from there.

Funky Town may offer a humble beginning but it has produced its share of successful people.

Russell Greene, Graham Kennedy, Debbie Flintoff- King, Elisabeth Murdoch, Mick Molloy, Mal Walden and the Daddo brothers: just to name a few!


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