Monday 8 June 2015

Far North Queensland Day! ay!

Image result for thongs

On June 6 in 1858, Queen Victoria signed an Order-in-Council to create the new Australasian colony of "Queen's land". This date is now the official birthday of Queensland. Up here in the Far North, we like to think of ourselves as a separate identity. Our interpretation  is to make it a day to celebrate being a Far North Queenslander!

A true Far Northerner will:

1. add "ay" to the end of every sentence.
2. not use indicators at roundabouts.
3. think that "non-alcoholic" is a swear word.
4. prefer to dress in their formal gear; tank top, shorts and thongs.
5. know the best way to dispose of a cane toad.
6. wear a hawaiian shirts on tropical Fridays.
7. not be afraid of deadly animals.
8. bet on a cane toad race.
9. not believe in daylight savings.

Image result for far north queensland map

Image result for canetoads

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