Sunday 8 February 2015

Kruising the Kerala!

After the amazing sensual assault of touring India and Nepal for the past 4 weeks, we decided we deserved a bit of R & R before heading back to reality. As we had spent most of our time in Northern India, it was time to venture south. The warm, humid blast of air that hit us as we alighted the plane in Kochi reminded us of home. A welcome relief for a tropical couple. Out came the shorts and tshirts as we were driven to Kerala to board our houseboat. Home for the next two days! Nothing to do but sit and watch the world float by.

Our luxury house boat had a crew of 3 to cater for our every whim. The chef conjured up  scrumptious feasts of traditional delights as we glided through the canals. On the banks of Kerala backwaters, we witnessed village life. Farmers tilled their land and fisherman caught an array for fresh seafood. Women washed the laundry on the banks and built up their muscle power by pounding the clothes with rocks as a form of removing excess water. School children laughed and chatted as they were conveyed by canoe to and fro the canals.

As the amazing sun set on another wonderful adventure, we give thanks to the travel God!


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