Thursday 26 February 2015

Intrepid Travel!

Intrepid is an adjective meaning audacious, bold, resolute, plucky, game and so on. You get the drift.

Being frequent intrepid travelers, we thought it was about time we to give a bit of a run down on our favourite tour company. We have been on a dozen tours now and have now become Intrepid legends. This entitles us to a free tour each to the value of $2500.

Intrepid travel offer small travel groups (maximum of 12). This allows the opportunity to go off the beaten tour track and use local accommodation, restaurants and transport. You can get as close to real life experiences as possible and soak up the culture. There are three styles of tours to choose from; Basix, original and comfort. Each has a different level of inclusions and accommodation but all propose a great cultural participation.

Responsible travel is their motto and they contribute to the local economy by choosing local suppliers when possible. They also run the Intrepid foundation which is a non profit organisation that contributes to health care, education, human rights, child welfare, sustainable development, environmental and wildlife protection in many under developed countries.

We have enjoyed all our adventures with Intrepid and met some wonderful people along the way. Cheers to all our tour mates! Thanks for the laughs!

Image result for intrepid travel logo

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