Thursday 26 February 2015

Intrepid Travel!

Intrepid is an adjective meaning audacious, bold, resolute, plucky, game and so on. You get the drift.

Being frequent intrepid travelers, we thought it was about time we to give a bit of a run down on our favourite tour company. We have been on a dozen tours now and have now become Intrepid legends. This entitles us to a free tour each to the value of $2500.

Intrepid travel offer small travel groups (maximum of 12). This allows the opportunity to go off the beaten tour track and use local accommodation, restaurants and transport. You can get as close to real life experiences as possible and soak up the culture. There are three styles of tours to choose from; Basix, original and comfort. Each has a different level of inclusions and accommodation but all propose a great cultural participation.

Responsible travel is their motto and they contribute to the local economy by choosing local suppliers when possible. They also run the Intrepid foundation which is a non profit organisation that contributes to health care, education, human rights, child welfare, sustainable development, environmental and wildlife protection in many under developed countries.

We have enjoyed all our adventures with Intrepid and met some wonderful people along the way. Cheers to all our tour mates! Thanks for the laughs!

Image result for intrepid travel logo

Thursday 19 February 2015

Happy Chinese New Year! The year of the Sheep!

Chinese New Year is an important festival celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. A.K.A, Lunar New Year always falls between January 21 and February 21 on the new moon. This spring festival is centuries old and full of myths and customs. It is a time to honour deities as well as ancestors.  On New Year's Eve, it is tradition for Chinese families to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away  ill-fortune and make way for incoming good luck before gathering together for a reunion dinner.  Moon cakes (round pastry cakes filled with red bean or lotus seed paste) are given as gifts to family and friends. Windows and doors are decorated with red paper cutouts in the theme of good fortune, happiness, wealth and longevity. The celebration is great fun with parades, fireworks and lots of yummy food to eat.

So Happy New year to all! 干杯


Friday 13 February 2015

Reminiscence! Indian and Nepal!

For our Indian and Nepal adventure, we again chose Intrepid. "Highlights of India and Nepal" and "Inside out Kathmandu" In countries such as these it is easier and safer to travel with a tour group.  The tour traveled from Delhi, all around the North of India to Kathmandu in Nepal. In Kathmandu we joined another tour to hike around the spectacular Himalayas.  We stayed in luxury and squalor (by Western standards) and tried a variety of transport; train, tuk tuk, camel cart, car, push bike, bus, canoe, safari jeep, boat, house boat ( just to name a few). And of course, we ate all the foods!

Helpful Hints!

- Our highlights of India tour was 19 days. We felt it was just a tad too long. A fortnight is a good length of time.
- Don't feel you have to do every activity offered. If you are not interested, don't do it.
- In Delhi, we were offered an optional half day tour to see the sights. Cost was $40 US per person and we did not get to see all. It would have worked out better to hire a taxi for 4 hours ( $20 ) and visit what is of interest yourself.
- You do not have to go with the group to every group meal.
-  Give the Radisson in Varansi a wide berth. " The Great Kabab factory" is over priced and not very nice.
- Try all the traditional foods on offer. The guides know what is safe in relation to street foods. We had fabulous samosa, masala tea, momos and lassi from street vendors and lived to tell the tale.
- If decanting vodka into a water bottle ensure you mark the bottle. A good swig of vodka when brushing your teeth goes down a treat.
- Gin and rum are the spirits of choice in that part of the world. Old Monk Rum very nice indeed.
- Organise a tip kitty. Each member of the tour pays an agreed amount into the kitty to be used by guide to pay tips along the way.

In summation, the tours were excellent. They offer a great assortment of activities and immerse you in the culture and lifestyle of India and Nepal.


Sunday 8 February 2015

Kruising the Kerala!

After the amazing sensual assault of touring India and Nepal for the past 4 weeks, we decided we deserved a bit of R & R before heading back to reality. As we had spent most of our time in Northern India, it was time to venture south. The warm, humid blast of air that hit us as we alighted the plane in Kochi reminded us of home. A welcome relief for a tropical couple. Out came the shorts and tshirts as we were driven to Kerala to board our houseboat. Home for the next two days! Nothing to do but sit and watch the world float by.

Our luxury house boat had a crew of 3 to cater for our every whim. The chef conjured up  scrumptious feasts of traditional delights as we glided through the canals. On the banks of Kerala backwaters, we witnessed village life. Farmers tilled their land and fisherman caught an array for fresh seafood. Women washed the laundry on the banks and built up their muscle power by pounding the clothes with rocks as a form of removing excess water. School children laughed and chatted as they were conveyed by canoe to and fro the canals.

As the amazing sun set on another wonderful adventure, we give thanks to the travel God!


Friday 6 February 2015

Waitangi Day!


Waitangi Day is not just a public holiday for our Kiwi cousins but a commemoration of the signing of "The treaty of Waitangi". It was signed on this day in 1840 and made New Zealand part of the British Empire. This treaty guaranteed Maori rights to their land and gave rights as British subjects.

To our Bros across the ditch, we hope the weather is warm enough for stubbies and jangles and more importantly your chilly bin never runs dry! Have a good one!