Sunday 13 April 2014

Our back yard! The aftermath.

The tropical follage that once stood tall and proud, looks water logged and tired this morning. Echoes of how FNQ residents feel after Ita's unwelcome, prolonged visit. As the new day breaks, the rain has ceased and all is still. The bustle will soon begin though; the massive clean up operation to bring back normality to our community. Supermarket shelves are empty and all access to Cairns is cut due to flooded roads; keeping much needed food deliveries at bay. Many homes are without power and the new threat of flooding has taken presidence.
Cape Flattery and Cooktown copped the brunt of Ita's fury; luckily she downgraded to a cat 4 and did not cause as much damage as first anticipated.  Ita finally left her calling card in Cairns last night as a Cat 1 and headed off South down the coast. She was last heard of heading to Townsville.

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