Sunday 9 February 2014

Travel tip 17!

When packing for a trip is it better to fold or roll? You can fit in more when rolling clothes ( a rolled up tshirt is perfect for filling the gaps in your case) and clothes do unroll slightly less creased. However bulky jumpers do not roll very well, better to fold them. A bit a of ocd method that we came across was to sort out your clothes for each day of your trip and vacuum seal them in separate plastic bags. For example in one labelled bag, you would have shorts, tshirt, cardigan and underwear for one days wear. In theory, a pretty good idea but do you really need to take 21 pairs of undies for a 3 week holiday? What about washing some clothes along the way! The best way to work out what or what not to take is to capsulise ( see travel tip 18). Another must if making several plane journeys is to pack spare clean underwear and  a tshirt in your carry on. Helps, if god forbid your luggage goes missing .

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