Tuesday 17 December 2013

Machu Picchu through the Sun Gate

A thump on our tent informs us that the time is near and we prepare to embark on our final journey to that of the Sun Gate and our first glimpse of the fabled city of Machu Picchu.  So at 4am we leave our camp site in anticipation, make our way down to the final check point where we wait with 200 similar minded hikers.   We wait and we wait and at 5.30am we pass through the checkpoint and we are on our way.  As the morning sun greets us it provides us with a cinematic display and paints the mountains a radiant colour that reflects off the snow peaks high above.

The excitement is palatable as every step, every gasped breath takes us closer to the Sun Gate.  We have been for warned that the Sun Gate is actually more like a cloud gate and a mist often descends across the plateau area of Machu Picchu.  Finally, we reach the apex, endorphins pump through our body as we glimpse for the first time Machu Picchu.  Like the ancient pilgrims that had trod the trail before us, we descend into the mist that wraps the city , down into the ruins below.

We stand at the Temple of the Sun, where a rock altar stands erect refracting the rays of the sun; we enter the Temple of the Condor where llamas where sacrificed to provide ease of passage to the afterlife, and that the departed were embalmed,  mummified and entombed.  We wonder the terraces,  sit amongst the ruins, marvel at Huayna Picchu, with its staircase terraces and moon temple, we snap llamas captured in a rainbow spectrum and watch our fellow hikers doing the Inka Shuffle.  Finally, we sit alone, just us with our thoughts and we are surrounded by the tranquility and serenity of Machu Picchu.

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