Thursday 12 December 2013

In the jungle, the might Amazon Jungle.

Howling monkeys awaken us and the life of the jungle rumbles into action.  Hudson's preen themselves,  toucans travers the jungle sky, their colours dancing in the early morning light and macaws communicate in an animated fashion with their burning red colour contrasting against the green canopy below.  The king vulture perches a top of the towering Brazil nut trees, scanning and waiting.  It is in this environment we stir from our wilderness camp and embark on our Amazon adventure in search of the elusive Giant Otters of the Amazon river and to do a spot of fishing for piranhas.   Our sojourn takes us to a Sharman who explains the use of local medicines.   We view the Ayahuasca vine that has the properties to cure Parkinson Disease.  (wonder with Michael J Fox knows about this.)  Other shrubs and plants are used for inflammation,  anaesthetic, love potions, impotence and toothache.  We sample the concoctions and watch the sunset over the Amazon River as our boat takes us back to our accommodation.

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