Thursday 14 November 2019


Madrid, the capital of Spain was the final sojourn on our  adventure.  Limited time saw us decide that the best way to tackle the city was to jump on a segway and hit the streets.   With no understanding of the mechanisms used to control and manoeuvre the device, combined with ignorance on where we were going, the segway tour seemed such a great idea!

The first movements of motion were like a child's first steps: tentative, uncertain, yet rewarding.  Confidence grew quickly, leading to Brad deciding to take photos, develop his own obstacle course and crash into a pole at speed, propelling him like a cartoon character, into the air, until gravity slammed him back to earth.  Lesson learnt - baby steps!

We explored the narrow cobblestone streets, that took us to a panoramic view overlooking the Almudena Cathedral .  A steep decline followed that had us feeling that we were descending our own personal roller-coaster with twists and turns, manoeuvring between cars and people.  Eventually, we emerged  into the main square of Madrid; the social hub, where street performers ply their trade and sad looking, costume clad hawkers offer  photo opportunities for a euro.

As we leant forward, we were thrust towards the art and cultural district; the heart of the flamingo dance and where living botanical wonderlands adorn buildings.  Somehow, we made it across a roundabout inhabited by every mode of transport without an indicator or clearly defined exits in sight.  The sanctuary of  Retiro Park awaited, here the Crystal Palace built in 1887 sits majestically overlooking the Alfonso XII monument,  that is surrounded by a man-made lake full of  row boats for hire.

Our segway provided one last challenge as it threw us onto the main arterial road swarming with peak-hour traffic, blaring horns and a blur of pedestrians. This tour is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Tour finished and with some time still on our side, we roamed on foot. Strolled through the Moor gardens near the Royal Palace, explored the Cathedral from its crypt to its altar, rode the metro and finished off  the day with great food, laughter and a few cervezas.

                              Salud, gracias and adios Espana!

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