Sunday 4 February 2018

Camino reflection!

Well, it has been over nine months since we started our epic adventure over the Pyrenees and along the coast of Spain to Santiago de Compostela!  As we have stated many times, there was no epiphany waiting for us at the end; but rather, lessons learn't:  Do not sweat the small things, take things as they come, respect others and life is to be lived to the fullest!  

At dinner one night in Santiago, the question went around the table about walking the Camino again? At the time we felt that we had 'been there done that' and we had other fish to fry.  On reflection, it is a case of never say never! Recently, after sharing a bottle of vino tinto and watching 'The Way', we realised our attitude has changed some what. We yearn for the simplicity of  'The Way' and would love to go back.

Is the Camino journey ever finished?

                                                                 Buen Camino!


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