Sunday 5 November 2017

Feral zombies panic to disembark!

 Lets face it, society is impatient.
Plane lands,  belt unfastened and commuters are at the starting gate. Aisles are full with punters rummaging in the overheads, pushing things aside  (squashing the cherished krispy kremes) in a bid to rescue their belongings.
The real anarchy begins when the doors open and everyone has the urgent need to be outta there. There is in fact, a list of airport etiquette which states that those at the front of the plane exit first followed closely in numerical order by the rest. Why do people think they have the right to push their way past from row 17 to be 1st off the plane? There is no ribbon or golden ticket waiting at the exit gate and the luggage would still be in process of being unloaded. Unless you have a very short lay over to your next flight, there is no excuse. Wait your turn!

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