Sunday 21 May 2017

In the world kitchen! Espana camino style!

The Spanish population certainly enjoy their bread. Every meal is served with 'pan' of some description. (A staple dietary camino requirement).  Herbs are used to flavour meals but not to spice things up, making food rather bland. Paella, tapas and seafood are a regular on most menus along with the infamous peregrino deal. This bargain ranging from 8 to 14 euros can be hit or miss. Usually consists of an entree choice of ensalada with or without atun, sopa or pasta. Main can be a variety of carne, pollo or fish all served with patata in some form. Our experience dictates that fish is the safest option. Dessert is flan, yoghurt or if you are lucky homemade cake. An abundance of pan and vino tinto is always included in deal. Tip is to look for the small homemade food cafes as the Senoritas take great pride in their cooking. We scored a couple of delicious meals that way.
The EspaƱol diet on a whole is carb loaded, which is handy for fuel when you are a peregrino but has a bloating effect. We found ourselves craving fresh veggies but the fruit was devine.

Our staple mid morning breakfast was a cuppa and a slice of patata tortilla served with pan of course.

Tortilla De Patatas

6-8 pototoes, peeling and cut into 1/4 inch slices
2 tsp salt
2 cups olive oil
1 med onion, chopped
10 eggs, beaten

Place pototoes in colander, sprinkle with salt and stand for half hour. Pat dry with paper towel.
Heat oil in non stick skillet ( med/high ) then add potatoes and cook. Turn occasionally  until crisp and tender.
Add onion  and cook until both are soft. About 5 mins. Use a slotted spoon to transfer into bowl to cool. Strain oil into bowl and set aside.
Add egg to potato mix. Wipe out skillet and heal 1/4 cup from reserved oil.
Add egg mix, arranging potato to submerge. Reduce heat to medium. Cook until almost set , should be slightly runny on top. 20 to 30 minutes.
Invert onto large plate. Then side back into skillet browned side up. Cook until golden brown on bottom and cooked through.

Can be served hot or cold.

                                            tortilla de patata

Burgos black pudding

Garlic prawns
G & T

Famous tarta de santiago cake!

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