Sunday 21 August 2016

Wells Gray, Clearwater Lake challenge!

Like the great Viking masters, the oars caressed Njoror and Ran’s belly as we made our way across Clearwater Lake.  Mountains topography soared to the heavens and its mirror reflection was only scattered by the rhythmic slaps of our oars and raucous obscenities that erupted from our lungs as we failed to negotiated the draw and pry steering movements of our canoe.

After 4 hours of physical torture including thunder & lightening (very, very frightening... Gallileo); we arrived at our destination. -Stellers Bay. Pure isolation descended, here we were, 13 souls wrapped in Mother Nature’s embrace. No rest for the wicked though, first job... set up camp. It was also the "Golden Oldies" rota to produce dinner that night. So under the direction of the very cheerful but slightly intoxicated Master Chef Shah, we managed to throw together a very palatable pepper steak.  The medal must go to the clean up team, who had to battle not only the primitive kitchen facilities but also that fact that every dish and utensil was used. All chores were completed as the snow-capped peaks tangled with the fingers of a colourful sunset,  then we all settled down around the fireplace for a night of fun and frivolity courtesy of Canadian whiskey.

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