Saturday 16 July 2016

Rocky Mountain Amazing Race Challenge!

This tour was set to be a challenge! Being a basic rating, we geared ourselves up for a little hardship along the way.

 Challenge 1
The excitement of  sleeping in a tent on a self inflating mattress for two weeks begins to wane after a couple of days. The long hours were spent on the bus were followed by setting up camp, cooking and cleaning.

Challenge 2
Whistler Zip line was certainly a rewarding challenge!

After being equipped with our harness and helmet, we boarded a gondola for a quick trip up to the beginning of the trek. With adrenaline pumping through our veins, we hiked up to the first platform for the leap of faith. 5 incredible zip lines were on offer, varying from 400 to over 1000 feet connected via a network of canopy bridges and boardwalks. The view was magnificent as we cruised above the white water rivers and alpine forest. As the confidence grew, the party tricks surfaced, leading to a upside down starfish finale by Lea!

Challenge 3
Clearwater overnight canoe and camping! Gray Wells.

We were given a double canoe with stores and tents cargo to expel down the river by our own steam. Took a little while to get our communication happening but soon we were making a reasonable pace. As all over the Rocky region the weather can change in an instant; a storm brewed and the rain came down. Getting wet was not the issue but the water became choppy and the fear of capsize became real. After much swearing and cursing (as well as threat of divorce) we made our way to the shoreline to wait out the fury. As the sun broke through again, we continued on our way. It certainly was a beautiful river and the surrounding mountains were a sight to be seen. The Greene team lagging behind most of the way but by the time we reached the camp site, we were a force to be reckoned with! After setting up the tent, a quick swim and cooking dinner, we all settled down for a hilarious night.
Greene team certainly got their S... together for the return journey. First to touch the wharf at the end, we were deemed the most improved by Travis!

Challenge 4
Sulphur Mountain Hike! Banff

Gondolas are for babies, or so we kept telling ourselves as we tramped our way up the very steep switch backs of Sulphur mountain. This hike is classed as moderate, hmm...close to strenuous more like it! After quite a few breaks to catch our breath, we finally summited to the rewarding view then decided that maybe a gondola down was not such a bad option. After all, we still had a few challenges ahead of us and wanted to conserve our strength. Not to be, folks.... the wait for quick ride down was over 1/2 an hour. So Sulphur hiking was a round trip!

Challenge 5
Lake Louise, tea house and  Plain of 6 Glacier hike!

This trail takes you into the heart of Mt Lefroy, Mt Victoria and the Victoria Glacier. With incredible views and diverse scenery/weather, we started the hike up hill to the first tea house, to find snow flakes dancing at the crown, A top up of hot chocolate was greatly appreciated before heading off toward the glacier. As the surroundings changed, the sun shone and the shimmering emerald colour of the lake intensified. Little chipmunks danced amongst the rocks and wildflowers that lined the track.
An orgy of delight encompassed us as our gaze scouted around this enchanting habitat. A very gratifying day was had!

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