Saturday 12 September 2015

Our Backyard! Chillagoe!

Chillagoe, a sleepy, outback town about 200 kms west of Cairns is a great place to get away from the hustle of city life. After the gold rush era, the population grew to thousands with the mining of copper, zinc and marble being the main industries. Today, however this quaint village is a shadow of its former self with a population of a mere 227 people at last count.

 Chillagoe is known for its magnificent, lime stone caves and as well as the annual wheelburrow race; which sees teams pushing burrows from Mareeba along the historic wheelburrow way to Chillagoe.. There are several hikes you can tramp around the area and you can swim or fish in the Walsh River (if it is not dry). Camping seems the natural accommodation in this setting although there is a motel, guest house and camping huts if you prefer. Like any good outback town, you can choose from the Post Office Hotel or the Chillagoe Hotel/Motel for a counter meal or a drink and a yarn with the locals.

The landmark chimney from the historical smelter site can be seen towering above the sky line. Brilliant blues, reds and greens of nature are in great contrast in this vast country side. The surrounding silence is deafening and the stars scintillate the sky as day turns to night.

A unique experience!

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