Thursday 12 March 2015

Akbar the Great!

Akbar the Great was a Mughal Emperor, who started his reign in 1556 AD. During his rule the Mughal Empire tripled in size and wealth. He was a cultured man, who created a powerful military system and instituted very effective political and social reforms.

What impressed us about this Indian leader was his introduction of Dub-e IIahi. "Religion of God". It was intended to merge the best elements from all the religions of his realm (Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Jainism and Zoroastrainism), thereby reconciling the differences that divided his subjects. He promoted tolerance for all faiths and in fact created a united  "House of Worship" where all were welcome and encouraged to debate philosophical and religious issues. Being a polygamist, he married women to represent all the religions in Indian. This was a smart political move as it kept him sweet in all camps.

Akbar claimed that no single religion could claim the monopoly of the truth and although Dub-e Iiahi no longer is practiced, it lay the foundations for the religious tolerance that exists in India today.

Portrait of Akbar by Manohar.jpg

                                               Fatehpur Sikri - Akbar's Palace.

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