Thursday 8 January 2015

Lovely Lumbini!

We arrive in Lumbini after negotiating the India/Nepal border and a 14 hour bus trip from Varanasi. Here the tree of enlightenment awaits; the holy birth place of Buddha. History has it that as Buddha was expelled from the womb, he landed on his feet, took seven steps and for each step Lotus flowers grew.

All around the sound of chanting is omnipresent, robed monks meditate,  smoke from burning incense rises to meet a landscape of prayer flags and pilgrims pay homage.

Nepal is totally different to what we have encountered in India, there is a sense of tranquility,  a oneness with the mighty landscape that dominates and smiling faces greet us at every turn.  As we soon discover, Nepal stands for Never, Ending, Peace and Love.

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