Tuesday 23 December 2014

JAIPUR - The Pink City.

If we thought Delhi was mad, then Jaipur is on another planet. Sacred cows roam freely on major road ways, monkeys share the stage with goats, feral pigs, camels and the locals. The city is bathed in orche as the claustrophobic mass of people swirl past. The flower market with its rose petals and marigolds provide a strong contrast to the grime of the city.

The mighty Jantar Mantar sundail stands sentinel like commanding time, snake charmers scam with their hypnotic melody, decorated elephants transport visitors up to the gates of the Amber fort, whilst black faced monkeys squawk their welcome.  Again we sample the local street cuisine and watch in amusement as a sacred cow dines with us!  Bollywood calls and we join the locals at the cinema to to watch Action Jackson in all his Hindu glory.  We visit the Hawarmahal aka  Palace of the Winds which stands monolithic like with its decorative gates that represent  the four seasons. As another day in Jaipur comes to an end we sit on the rooftop of our hotel, a Kingfisher beer in our hands and watch the sky come alive with dualling kites.

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