Sunday 6 July 2014

Konnichiwa Lake Ashi!

Well, here we are in the land of the rising sun for our mid year sojourn. (have graduated to bi-yearly OS jaunts) . After landing in Tokyo , we bit the bullet and zoomed to Hakone. Our Ryokan "The Musashiya" is a lovely, traditional building set on the banks of Lake Ashi in Moto-Hakone. Upon arrival our lovely Nakai showed us to our lake view room, explained the why & wherefore whilst making us some traditional green tea.  

We spent the afternoon exploring our little lake port. Hakone is a mountainous district within view of the majestic Mount Fuji. (On a clear day) . Gorgeous lush forests surround the lake and we found ourselves just meandering before making our way back to brave the Onsen.

We donned our kimonos and little red, Dorothy shoes with trepidation then headed up to the fifth floor. The Japanese culture is very rigid, so we felt a little intimidated about entering the bath without making too many faux pas. Brad true to form; stripped off and was washing in the hand basin in the changing room. Men never read instructions first . (Watch out for Onsen rules, travel tip).  The idea is to strip and then go into bath area, where there is a line of hand showers; soap up, rinse off and then bob's your uncle.

Our communal, segregated baths are luxurous. There is huge baths overlooking Ashi and the Tori gate. The smaller outdoor baths were preferred choice. (same views) . Gosh, it is so invigorating! We are addicted. Your skin feels so clean and your body feels to refreshed.

The rooms are traditional tatami bedding that is set up each evening by our Nakai. Wondering if it is an age thing or are these futons just bloody uncomfortable?  Don't get us started on the rock hard pillows! Maybe that is why it is a good idea to start each day with an onsen.

Went on the lake cruise and up the cable car  yesterday, in hopes of catching a glimpse of the mountain. No luck, low lying cloud made visibility impossible. Dawn at 0430 hours; however, holds promise. A patch of blue! Heading off to enjoy in early morn with a soak in a hot bath.


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