Friday 6 June 2014

Happy Birthday Lizzy!

Whether you are a royalist or all for the Republic; you can be sure that most Aussies will sing Happy birthday to our dear Queen Lizzy just to ensure the day off work. Elizabeth was actually born April 21, 1928, but who's splitting hairs?
Back in the olden days at school assembly, we would sing God the Queen at the top of our voices. As we got a little older and a little braver , we would replace the lyrics with a more modern version: God save our biscuit tin, don't let the ants get in, God save our Queen.

A big word up to our English travel pals; Neil Evan, Liz Houghton, James Farrar, Karen Helliwell and Lucy Place. Thanks for the laughs!

To our Aussies mates; have a good one! 

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