Thursday 24 October 2013

From Russia with Love (4)

A full moon illuminates the Red Square casting a translucent glow shimmering along the cobble stone path, and shadows danced across the walls of the Kermlin.  If you had a vivid memory, or like us about five vodka shots on the bus on our night tour, you could swear that the shadows were taking on shapes. Firstly, Ivan the Terrible blinding the two architects who designed and built St. Basil Church because when asked could they ever possibly build anything as beautiful again, they answered yes. Peter the Great, banishing his wife Sofia to a convent so he could marry Catherine, Lenin, celebrating the success of the October Revolution and finally Stalin, caressing his mustache as he watches his Red Army match through the square.

The imagination can be such a powerful thing, or was it the Vodka talking to us.

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