Friday 1 February 2019

Monsoonal Rain!

Drop by drop the heavens cry,
with the breath of sweet rain.
Leaves rejoice in delicious favour.
Dams; thirst quenched start to fill
and barren lands do flourish.

Gumboots squawk and splash,
as brightly coloured umbrellas dance.
Wipers move erratically,
 clearing the line of vision.
Condensation and mould take grip,
as the monsoon refuses to cease.

 A never ending pelting soaks the earth,
the terra firma becomes fickle.
 Sodden soil loses strength,
 the shift in nature unwelcome.
Trees move and  the ground quakes,
staunchly hoping to keep its place.

As the deluge perseveres,
havoc does reek.
Flooding, landslides
 and crops falter.
An infliction to life and property!

Send the Ark!